3 Signs You Are Ready for a Divorce

Divorce is a big deal and deciding to get one will change everything. But sometimes you have to let go of something that isn’t working to move forward with the happy and fulfilled life you know is possible. What are the signs that the time is right? What are the signs that you are ready for a divorce?

1. You’re Ready To Be Honest With Yourself About Your Marriage

Everyone’s marriage is different, and there are many different ways to get honest with yourself about it. That might mean admitting to yourself that things aren’t as perfect as you would have liked or that you are unhappy enough to end the marriage—that you’re ready to stop pretending that things are working.

That might also mean getting honest about your role in your marriage. You can only change your actions. So, if you continue with your marriage, how would you need to change to make things work? Are you willing to make those changes? If you’re not, you may be ready for a divorce.

2. You’re Thinking About Divorce Even When Things Are Going Well in Your Marriage

It’s normal for people to think about divorce after a major fight. A person might have a fleeting thought about ending things, and then take some time to cool down before realizing just how great the marriage is. After all, marriage is hard work and things don’t always go smoothly. But in a working marriage, the good times outweigh the bad.

In a marriage that’s not working anymore, a person might think about divorce even when things are going smoothly. If it’s family movie night and you just made popcorn and the family is laughing, and you’re still thinking about divorce, it may be a sign that you are ready.

3. You’re Willing to Take Responsibility in Your Life

If you’ve realized that you don’t need your spouse to be happy, if you are confident that your children will be okay, if you are willing to put in the work to gain financial independence, you may be ready for a divorce.

Think You May Be Ready for a Divorce? Contact an Attorney.

Deciding to divorce can be a difficult step. Call the Arlington office of the Schneider Law Firm, P.C., at 817-799-7125 to talk with us about your situation. Our Texas lawyers are here to support you and your family during the divorce process, helping you take the next step and move forward with your life.
