What Are the Most Common Reasons for Divorce?

Researchers have conducted many studies on divorce over the years. While studies produce differing results, there are some common themes. At the Schneider Law Firm, P.C., serving Arlington, Texas, we find that our clients commonly have experienced the following issues in their marriages.

Infidelity: Not Staying Faithful

Studies often list cheating as a leading cause of divorce. Infidelity can lead to divorce because it often represents a breach of trust that couples struggle to overcome. When infidelity occurs, it permanently shifts the dynamic in the relationship. Some marriages end right away. Other times, couples try to overcome the infidelity but find they are unable to.

Incompatibility: Differing Values and Interests

Incompatibility is a big category, and there are many different reasons that couples can be incompatible. We often talk with people who cite incompatibility as a reason for their divorces. It can happen when couples were not clear and honest with each other before entering into the marriage. It also happens when people change over time.

Incompatibility can involve differing ideas about:

  • Whether or not to have children
  • Finances, including where money is spent and keeping good financial habits
  • Faith and religion

Substance Abuse: Drinking or Drug Use

Substance abuse and divorce are inextricably intertwined. Marriages are statistically more likely to end in divorce when one or both partners drink in excess or use drugs. Often, issues span generations. Partners with substance issues commonly have grown up in homes with parents who abused substances, and those parents were more likely to be divorced. 

Growing Apart

People don’t stop changing after they get married. They continue to develop, reaching different stages and changing their viewpoints on issues. Especially when people marry young, they find that their ideas about themselves, their goals and the world change substantially.

When you change—and when your partner changes—it’s possible to realize you no longer want the same things and you and your partner would be happier if the marriage ended.

If You’re Thinking About Divorce, Talk With a Lawyer

If you are considering a divorce—no matter the reason—talk with the lawyers at the Schneider Law Firm, P.C., in Arlington at 817-799-7125. Consultations with our attorneys are confidential. We can talk with you about your options and help you understand what steps to take.


