Schneider Law Firm, P.C. | Family Law & Criminal Defense

Theft Crimes

Criminal charges that are considered theft include shoplifting, bad checks, burglary, robbery, identity theft, fraud, and embezzlement.

The penalties for theft offenses can be severe. Even shoplifting an item valued at less than $50 can result in a Class C misdemeanor, carrying fines of up to $500. If the value of the property ranges from $1,500 to $20,000, it escalates to a felony, potentially leading to incarceration in a state jail. Theft involving property exceeding $20,000 could result in a prison sentence.

Our legal team specializes in defending adults facing charges for both felony and misdemeanor theft crimes in Texas state courts. Additionally, we have the expertise to handle felony fraud and embezzlement cases in federal criminal court and represent young people charged in Texas juvenile court.

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"I had a case it was so difficult and complicated but with you it becomes like nothing because you guy's work hard. Thank you with all my heart, you represent justice in this country."

Eyad Abdeen

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