Schneider Law Firm, P.C. | Family Law & Criminal Defense

Child Support

Child Support

Navigating the transition when families go their separate ways can be challenging. In the process of divorce, decisions concerning the care and support of the child will be established. Regardless of the specific custody arrangements, it is crucial to acknowledge and prepare for mandatory obligation of child support, mandated by both state and federal laws.

What are Texas Child Support Laws?

Texas sets obligatory child support standards, even if the custodial parent does not have the necessary income to financially support the child. However, it is important to note that courts do not have to follow these generic guidelines if they are not beneficial for the child. This is where our experienced lawyers can help you achieve what is best for your unique situation.

The child’s age, the financial ability of both parents, the access to the child of both parents, the cost of childcare expenses, and spousal support can all be considered in child support cases.

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